Seiche [ seysh ] : an occasional and sudden oscillation of the surface of a landlocked body of water (such as a lake) producing fluctuations in the water level and caused by wind, earthquakes, changes in barometric pressure, etc.
Seiche is a series of ceramic sculptures and silver gelatin photographs. Through this work I am developing a tactile language of abstraction. I translate images, sounds, and experiences into a shapeshifting body of clay. I draw inspiration from bodies of water, geology, and architecture. Much of the work was made in isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic along the shore of Lake Michigan, where the water levels are rising and the coastline is in a constant state of flux. The lake’s changing temperament inspires the series’ title. Most of the sculptures are made as wall-mounted reliefs, arranged in groups belonging to the same form or figure, reminiscent of islands, armor, fossils, or totems. The photographs reveal their magnified details. I aim to play with the viewer’s perception of the object or space so as to create a realm that feels unfamiliar. Here, the internal and the external merge.